Reaching millions for Christ

At your front door

Imagine a line of people from all nations standing outside your front door waiting for you to explain the gospel message to them, to answer their questions or help them grow in their new faith.

Would you open the door?


Amazing new opportunities

sm-Laptop-Older-Man-Cheerful3The Internet is opening up new opportunities for reaching people like never before. Over 26% (1.8 billion) of the world’s population now have Internet accesses. Today 300,000 people will visit one of the 90+ websites developed by Campus Crusade for Christ and its partners. 30,000 of these people will make a spiritual decision and over 7,000 will ask for personal follow up today! Each of these people needs to be connected with someone who can help them on the next step of their spiritual journey. Will you be that someone? Will you respond to their email? Right now there are people willing to line up outside YOUR door and wait for YOU to answer their questions. 

Here are some typical emails:

“I am a sinner. How can I be saved? I have been in sin for a long time now. Will my sin be forgiven? I want to be saved in Jesus name” — Nigeria

“I want to grow more in the Lord. Leave all my addiction and be committed to the Lord. Please help.”

Get Involved

English_girl_internetThis ministry is life transforming. You can share Jesus with more people than you ever thought possible! This helps you to grow spiritually as you prayerfully prepare these email responses. It gives you a taste for missions and real evangelism without the “fear factor” as you have time to thoughtfully prepare answers. Responses that are “too hard” can be reassigned to others in the team who focus on different aspects of counseling … so you’re not alone. The software we use ensures anonymity and safety; both for volunteers and the people we minister to. Therefore, people are more open to share their needs and be ministered to. We’re particularly keen for you to join us if you can write in: Arabic, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish or Vietnamese.

You need to …

  • Have been a Christian for at least 2-3 years and be spiritually as well as emotionally mature and over 18 years of age.

  • Be familiar with using a web browser and writing emails.
  • Check emails regularly and spend 15 minutes (minimum) to respond.
  • Have prayerfully asked God about joining us.
  • Have your church pastor be willing to act as your referee. We’ll need their phone  number and email address.
  • Complete an online application form (allow 30 minutes).

We provide …

  • Online training that teaches you how to prepare responses.
  • Web sites containing answers to common questions, gospel presentations, discipling materials and searchable Bibles.
  • You can set the number of emails you respond to each week.
  • Team leaders review some emails you send in order to help you learn more and to ensure the safety of everyone.
  • You can also set up your own personal webpage where YOUR network of friends can:
    • read YOUR faith story
    • watch the JESUS film
    • Listen to the New Testament
    • Read the Bible
    • Email their questions to YOU (see for details)

Got more questions?

If you have more questions, first read our list of frequently asked questions .

People standing in a queue

Join us today!

You can start the process of joining us right now. Begin your application by selecting one of the links below. 

The links below will allow you to join either the Truth Media or Global Media Outreach teams.    


Truth Media:

Truth Media currently need an additional 1,000 English speaking volunteers to assist them with ministering to people from the worlds largest Facebook page Jesus Daily which has over 26,000,000 subscribers.

It takes about 10 minutes to fill out an initial application and you will need your pastor’s name and email address and the name of a referrer. This will allow you to begin by getting a taste of online mentoring using simple pre-written responses. You can then apply to become a full mentor writing personal emails. They provide a comprehensive online training course. They also offer opportunities to join specialist teams or progress to online chat mentoring and each step of the way you will have your own mentor to ask questions and advice.

English English  – Truth Media Mentoring 


Global  Media Outreach

It takes about 30 minutes to fill out an application and you will need your pastor’s name and email address. Once approved they will provide online training  and assist you with numerous example emails. They offer opportunities to join a specialist team and each step of the way you will have your own mentor to ask questions and advice.

At this time, Global Media Outreach is not accepting new volunteers for their English language teams.

Arabic Arabic

Chinese Chinese

French French

Indonesian Indonesian

Italian Italian

Spanish Spanish


Turkish Turkish

Vietnamese Vietnamese

To join other language teams …

Printable brochures

Take some to church this Sunday: